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Here are the top 5 reasons schools consistently give when asked, "Why participate in Wakakirri?”  


  1. Inclusive and Accessible for All Students

  2. Promotes Teamwork and Collaboration

  3. Encourages Positive Relationships

  4. Enhances Self-Esteem and Confidence

  5. Builds a Sense of Belonging

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1. Inclusive and Accessible for All Students

Wakakirri is designed to be inclusive, giving every student the opportunity to shine, regardless of experience, ability, or background.

2. Promotes Teamwork and Collaboration

Working together on a Story-Dance helps students build teamwork, communication, and collaboration skills that are essential in both academic and personal growth.

3. Encourages Positive Relationships

Through collaboration and teamwork, students build positive relationships with their classmates and teachers, strengthening the classroom environment and boosting social wellbeing.

4. Enhances Self-Esteem and Confidence
By overcoming the challenge of rehearsing and performing, students experience a sense of accomplishment and pride, which can significantly improve their self-esteem and overall confidence.
5. Builds a Sense of Belonging

Participating in a group performance fosters a strong sense of belonging, encouraging students to connect with peers, develop friendships, and feel part of a community.

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  • "Do it!!! It’s life changing for you and it’s life changing for the kids. It ticks so many outcomes across the different KLAs. You will only regret, not doing it." 

  • "The impact of our involvement in Wakakirri cannot be fully measured but shows through in a rock solid sense of belonging as seen in attendance, engagement, academic success and strong, respectful relationships that permeate throughout the campus."

  • "Nothing can prepare you for the absolute joy the children will feel as they perform and feel like they have accomplished great things."

  • "The teamwork, the hardwork, the sense of connection and belonging that comes from participating is not matched by anything else I have seen in my 35 years in education."  



  • "Before Wakakirri I would get really nervous to even speak in front of my class and after Wakakirri I feel like I can do anything, even in front of a big audience.”

  • "Wakakirri is INCREDIBLE!!! I think being a part of Wakakirri has made me more confident, and I really hope I can do it again!!!!!!!”

  • "Wakakirri has positively affected my life ever since I have participated in it in 2022. I love it so much, and it has supported me through some tough times and I’m so grateful that it exists.”

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Building Resilience and Belonging: Lilli Pilli's Journey with Wakakirri

At Lilli Pilli Public School, Wakakirri has become a cornerstone of their well-being program, fostering resilience, gratitude, and empathy. Through their story 'Longing for Belonging,' students have not only developed valuable life skills but also strengthened connections within our school community.


Read more about how Wakakirri and The Resilience Project have transformed their students' experience both on and off the stage.​​​


Christies Beach Primary School: Using Story-Dance to Drive Reconciliation and Understanding

Discover how Christies Beach Primary School has used Wakakirri to explore cultural identity, racism, and reconciliation through powerful performances. Learn how their students embraced truth-telling and built connections with their community.


Read their story

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25 Years of Wakakirri at Strathfield North Public School

Strathfield North Public School has participated in Wakakirri for over 25 years, making it a key part of their focus on student well-being and community engagement.


Through Wakakirri, students build confidence, teamwork, and communication skills while exploring social issues like diversity and kindness. The program creates a strong legacy, with many staff members having been past Wakakirri performers, fostering pride and belonging.


Read their story

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