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A Wakakirri Story-Dance is a 3-7 minute performance where a group of students theatrically tells a story using a combination of dance, creative movement, acting, and pre-recorded music. Schools can unleash their creativity by incorporating any combination of dance styles, creative movement, acting, music, props, costumes, sets, and film projections. 


  1. ​Story-Dances can be performed live on stage or submitted via video, with a duration of 3 to 7 minutes.  

  2. Each entry must include between 20 to 120 students, including backstage crew, and will fall into one of the following divisions: Primary (K-Year 6), Secondary (Year 7-12), or Dance Schools & Community Groups (ages 8-24).  

  3. A Story-Dance should be a 3-7 minute performance theatrically telling a story using dance, acting, creative movement, sets, props, costumes, projections, pre-recorded music, and special effects for video entries.

  4. Schools have the freedom to choose any story that is engaging, easy to follow, appropriate, and relevant to the performers. The story should primarily be conveyed through Story-Dancing, which combines dance, creative movement, and acting.

  5. The soundtrack should enhance the story but not solely rely on it for narrative purposes.

  6. Sets, props, costumes, projections, live singing, (and special effects for Wakakirri Video entries) can be incorporated to enhance the storytelling, while considering sustainability and minimising the environmental footprint. We offer special awards to schools excelling in this area.

  7. Schools can choose to incorporate the annual festival motif into their story for an extra challenge, although it’s not compulsory.


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1. Story ( 25% )
  • How clear was the telling of the story?​

  • Was the story progressive (orientation, complication, resolution)?​

  • Was the story engaging, easy to follow, appropriate, and relevant to the performers?​

  • How creative and imaginative was the telling of the story?​

  • How entertaining was the telling of the story?

2. Story-Dance ( 25% )
  • How creative was the story-dancing?

  • Was the story-dancing a creative combination of dancing, creative movement and acting to tell a story?​

  • Was there strong characterisation?​​

  • Was it well executed?

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3. Performance  ( 30% )
  • How well rehearsed was the performance?  â€‹â€‹

  • How effectively did they engage the audience?  Was there a connection with the audience? Did the performance evoke emotions or reactions?​​

  • How well did the group work together? 

4. Creative Elements  ( 20% )
  • How well did any additional elements (or deliberate lack of), enhance the telling of the story (not tell the story)?  Includes sets, props, costumes, lighting, soundtrack, projection, live Singing. (and special effects for Wakakirri video entries).

  • Were they well utilised and not gratuitous?

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